About Bryonie

I initially gained an interest in veterinary physiotherapy from a young age when two of my competition horses went lame with similar problems but completely different presentations. Vega (my young mare) did her best to plough on and handle it, whereas Horse (yes, that is his name) created as though his leg had been cut off. Watching a vet examine them both for reasons behind their lameness, he was able to see straight past their individual ‘interpretations’. I was intrigued to know what he could see that I couldn’t, how he noticed the slightest 'odd’ movements which altered from being lunged to being ridden, and from hard ground to soft. The ability to look at a horse and not only appreciate it for what it is, but also see how the musculo-skeletal system works and how this affects performance, and how to improve this performance, is something that captivates me. Now, as a qualified veterinary physiotherapist working alongside veterinary surgeons to optimise their prescriptions, it is great to see the difference that physiotherapy can make to any animal.
Prior to qualifying as a veterinary physiotherapist I have worked on a number of yards, from hunting to competition and gained a world of experience in an array of disciplines. Through owning and working with animals I have, among other things, rehabilitated tendon injuries in horses, managed and worked around multiple injuries and surgeries in dogs, and even rehabilitated my cat who had nerve damage when she was ran over by a car.

After achieving a first class honours degree in business management I decided to pursue veterinary physiotherapy as a career and gained a post graduate degree in veterinary physiotherapy from the University of Nottingham.

I now work with a variety of horses and dogs in a number of disciplines; from top level competition horses, to companion animals. Having worked with animals my whole life I have the experience to handle various different temperaments in a number of environments.
As a veterinary physiotherapist animal welfare is my upmost priority and I aim to achieve the best possible results in every case I work with. To do this I maintain a current knowledge by attending numerous clinics and conferences throughout the year.

When I am not working I am kept busy by my three dogs, Pickle (who you will often see on the passenger seat of my car), Arnie and Charlie, and working with my own horses or competing at BE.